5 Tips for Engaging Struggling Readers and Writers

This blog post will help provide you with tools and strategies for engaging struggling readers and writers in your classroom. As a high school English teacher, I teach students how to read literature and write essays. In fact, reading and writing form half of the four major pillars of ELA instruction: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. And while it is essential to engage of the learners in our classrooms, those who need help with reading and writing might be less willing to engage in classroom discussions.

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50 Creative Writing Prompts for Secondary ELA: Teaching Creative Writing in Middle and High School

Creative writing prompts are a great way to get students’ imaginations flowing and to help them develop their writing skills. Having fun and engaging prompts is a key element in teaching creative writing. These prompts can take many forms, from simple prompts that ask students to describe a character or setting, to more complex prompts that challenge students to explore a particular theme or idea.

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101 Argument Essay Prompts for High School

Teaching argument writing can be very exciting, especially if you have great argument essay prompts for your students to choose from. It provides students with an opportunity to explore interesting topics. I give my students choices when I teach argument writing in my classroom. Students who select their topics are more engaged with and connected to their writing.

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5 Must-Try Resources for Teaching Grammar

It’s no secret that students in both middle school ELA and high school English struggle with grammar. However, not all hope is lost, and it isn’t too late to bring meaningful and effective grammar instruction into your classroom. Here is a look at five must-try resources for teaching grammar that will help your students improve their grammar skills and become stronger writers in the process!

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