Using Stations in the Secondary ELA Classroom: 7 Benefits of Station Work in Middle and High School ELA

Recently, I completed this Long Way Down Symbolism Analysis Stations activity with my sophomores, and the day was magical. My students actively participated in literary analysis and high-level discussion. They were engaged. There are so many benefits to using stations in the secondary ELA classroom, and engagement is just one of them! As I stepped back and observed my learners, I made a mental note to incorporate more station work in my classroom. As I heard bits and pieces of my students discussing Reynolds’ use of symbolism and why it was effective, I also started thinking about some of the benefits of the activity.

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Teaching Speaking and Listening: 6 Speaking and Listening Activities and Strategies

Do you take time to focus on teaching speaking and listening skills? A lot of lessons and activities often focus on literature, reading, spelling, and writing. Sometimes the speaking and listening skills get lumped into lessons, or we realize we’ve really been lax on the speaking skills the first time we have students give a presentation. However, students need to have dedicated opportunities to practice speaking and listening. Read on for activities you can incorporate into your classroom.

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10 Essential High School English Lessons to Teach

In today’s society, it is important that students can use their critical thinking skills in their everyday lives. The perfect place for students to learn how and to practice critical reading, writing, arguing, and even listening is the high school English classroom. Here are 10 critical high school English lessons and skills that teachers should be teaching their students!

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AI in the Classroom: 5 Ways for Teachers to Use ChatGPT

As an English teach, I can tell you that when I first learned about Chat GPT, I was frustrated, upset, and even feeling a bit defeated. And, truth be told, AI in the classroom is here to stay -regardless of our feelings.

As an English teacher, I pride myself on being able to provide my students with step-by-step writing instruction that helps them build their skills and confidence. For years, I focused on teaching writing as a process and using class time for writer’s workshops. With ChatGPT, I plan to continue that teaching philosophy.

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5 Tips for Teaching Thesis Statement Writing: Teaching How to Write a Thesis Statement

When my students complete a formal essay in class, I make it a point to go through the entire writing process with them. Once students have brainstormed and selected the main ideas for their essays, it is time to write the thesis statement. Since the thesis statement is such a crucial part of any academic paper or essay, I make sure I spend some time on each essay teaching thesis statement writing to my students.

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