My Favorite Books of 2018

My Favorite Books of 2018

With the New Year right around the corner, I am counting down 2018 with some of my favorite things from the year. Today’s 2018 countdown is all about my favorite books I read this year. This post contains affiliate links which means while they do not affect you in any way, I may receive a small kickback.

Dear Evan Hansen

One thing I love is musical theatre, and I love the soundtrack to Dear Evan Hansen. So naturally, when a novel adaptation of the story came out, I purchased it. I enjoyed this novel, especially because it is one that helps me connect with and relate to my students. This book contains mature topics.

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Dear Martin

This is a book that I wish all schools could use as either required reading or a book club reading. Like Dear Evan Hansen, this is another novel that deals with teenage coming of age issues. However, the main character, Justyce, deals with growing up as a black teenager in modern-day America. This is a book to suggest to your reluctant readers.

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The Hate U Give

This is another book that I wish all high school freshmen could read in school. It’s powerful, eye-opening, and heart-breaking. One aspect of the novel that I feel many students will understand is the code-switching that Starr needs to do to be accepted into the two worlds in which she lives. This is another book that will help get your reluctant readers reading.

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The Road

While this book is not new, it was new to me this year. Dystopian and post-apocalyptic novels are one of my favorite genres, and so I read this book over the summer. I loved the journey, the struggle, and the love in this book. While it’s not a light and easy read, it is one that makes you dig to the depths of your soul and think about what really matters.

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Speak The Graphic Novel

Speak was one of the first young adult novels that spoke to me and also helped me open up my eyes to what others around me might be facing. So naturally, when the graphic novel was released this year, I was super excited. The graphic novel version of this book does not disappoint. While staying true to the novel, the graphic novel adds in beautiful illustrations.

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One of Us is Lying

In addition to The Hate U Give, One of Us is Lying is another book that I could not keep on my classroom library shelf. After I introduced new books to my students, I had so much interest in this one. So many of my students wanted to read this one. I still have a line of students waiting to read my copy. Students are drawn to the mystery and suspense.

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Glimmer of Hope by the Founders of March for Our Lives

The year 2018 brought about one of the biggest tragedies we’ve seen: another mass school shooting. While the heinous act itself is unfathomable and incomprehensible, this book might help people understand the tragedy and begin to rebuild.

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Gmorning, Gnite

This is the book that I never knew I needed. One thing I want to do in 2019 is focus on my well-being. This book is perfect. As I mentioned earlier, I love musical theatre, so of course, I am a Hamilton nut. Lin Manuel-Miranda published his good morning and good night tweets into this cleverly-illustrated book. It is the perfect bedside table companion to read when you first wake up and right before you go to sleep.

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I need to add in some teacher professional development books into the mix. One of the best teacher PD books I’ve read this year is Readicide. I watch my own son struggle with required reading and tests, and this book helped me rethink the way we read in class.

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They Say, I Say

Teaching writing is one of my strong suits, and this book is a great companion to help teachers become even better at teaching writing. One of my favorite things about this book is that it can be used in the classroom. This book includes sentence frames for a variety of writing types.

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I hope that you’ve enjoyed this post! Tomorrow I will be sharing my favorite teaching supplies of 2018!

My Favorite Books of 2018



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