With so many middle school ELA and high school English teachers starting the school year with remote or hybrid teaching, this school year will look very different from previous years. Whether you are distance teaching your English students or teaching in a socially-distanced high school or middle school ELA classroom setting, teachers are looking for more digital solutions.
Here’s a quick glimpse at my top 10 must-have digital teaching resources for secondary ELA.
Digital Essay Writing Unit for Secondary ELA
This digital essay writing unit is ideal for middle school ELA and younger high school students. This teaching writing unit breaks down essay instruction into three distinct lessons: teaching the into and the thesis statement, teaching the topic sentence and body paragraph, and teaching the conclusion.
Digital and Editable Writing Rubrics for Secondary ELA
You will never need to make another rubric every again! This digital ELA writing rubrics resource includes five fully-editable, standards-based writing rubrics for middle school ELA and high school English teachers. The digital resource includes rubrics for argument writing, informational writing, narrative writing, theme analysis, and research essay.
Digital Sentence Combining Bell-Ringers
Help your students improve their writing and grammar with this syntax-focused bell-ringer teaching resource. Each day, students will combine sentences to practice working on their writing skills while they actively think about syntax!
Digital Writing Spotlight Bundle
Teach your students to improve their writing abilities by focusing on specific writing strategies one at a time. Each resource in this Writing Spotlight teaching bundle provides students with targeted strategies and examples to improve their writing. These writing units include teaching students how to embed quotes, how to write commentary and analysis, how to write in the literary present, and how to write in the third person.
Digital Back-to-School Activities
Get in the back-to-school spirit with these digital back-to-school activities that are sure to help you establish classroom community from day 1 of remote teaching, distance teaching, or hybrid in-person instruction.
Digital Parts of Speech Teaching Unit Bundle
Break down each of the eight parts of speech with this digital parts of speech teaching unit resource. Each part of speech unit includes instructional slides, student practice, and self-grading assessments. While students learn about the parts of speech in elementary school, many middle school ELA and high school English students need a quick review! These parts of speech teaching units are age-appropriate for big kids!
Digital Short Story Close Reading Activities
I love starting the new school year with short stories. This digital short story teaching unit includes a close reading and literary analysis activity for seven short stories. Each short story close reading activity includes a link to the story, carefully-selected passages for students to closely read and annotate, and literary analysis writing prompts!
Digital Controversial Issues Argument Paper
Engage your students in a digital controversial argument paper! This digital teaching resource helps guide your students through the entire writing process for writing an argument essay. This digital controversial topic paper assignment includes a list of topics, brainstorming activities, an outline, peer review, and a rubric.
Digital Romeo and Juliet Unit
This digital teaching resource for Romeo and Juliet includes a digital Romeo and Juliet student notebook and more!
Digital Collaborative Literary Analysis Activities
You can still get students to collaborate in a remote or socially-distanced classroom setting! This digital collaborative analysis resource pack includes multiple collaboration activities for literary analysis!