As a middle school ELA or high school English teacher, there is so much content to teach students. From teaching essay writing to reading comprehension, grammar to listening skills, ELA teachers have a lot of content to cover.
Here’s a look at 10 middle school ELA and high school English lessons to include in your classroom.
Essay Writing Bundle – This resource breaks down the essay writing process into manageable chunks with a mini-units that focus on the introduction and thesis, body paragraphs and topic sentences, and the conclusion.
New Years’ Resolution with Sticky Notes – I update this resource every year, and I recently updated it for 2020! These activities combine growth mindset qualities with New Year’s goals and resolutions. It’s the perfect way to jump into the New Year.
Synthesis Writing Bundle – If you are looking to add rigor and engagement to your upcoming argument writing unit, I’ve got you covered. Each synthesis writing unit includes a prompt, links to varying sources, and scaffolding to help all of your learners.
Parts of Speech Unit – Students indeed start learning the parts of speech in elementary school, but so many middle school and high school students still struggle with it. My Parts of Speech Unit is designed for big kids and helps make the content more accessible for them.
Nonfiction Reading Test Prep Escape Room – WIth state testing right around the corner, this escape room activity makes test prep fun! Students read a nonfiction article and work through a series of test-prep tasks.
Sticky Note Analysis Bundle – Sticky notes make everything more engaging and fun for students. This analysis unit includes instructional materials and student practice for analyzing fiction, nonfiction, and poetry!
Writing Rubrics – Grading with rubrics saves me so much time when I’m grading essays. This essay writing rubric resource includes five different writing rubrics that are guaranteed to help you streamline your grading.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos – When I teach rhetorical analysis, I make sure that I spend some time teaching the rhetorical appeals. This resource includes a PowerPoint for direct instruction as well as student handouts and practice worksheets.
SMARTePlans Digital Rhetorical Analysis: MLK’s I Have a Dream Speech – Using digital resources in the classroom is a smart way to save paper and engage students. With this SMARTePlans digital analysis resource, students work their way through Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic speech.
SMARTePlans Digital Character Analysis Interactive Notebook for Any Text – These digital character analysis activities are perfect for independent reading, literature circles, and novel units.