To Kill a Mockingbird Writing Unit


To Kill a Mockingbird Writing Unit: This To Kill a Mockingbird Writing Prompts Unit includes nine different writing prompts to cover the entire novel.

The writing prompts in this bundle cover the content in the entire novel and various literary elements including:

– symbolism

– foreshadowing

– theme

– character development

– conflict

– suspense

Aside from the one narrative prompt, each writing prompt includes two different levels of differentiation. The first level guides students and prompts them to write a fully developed paragraph, and the second level includes much more scaffolding, including sentence starters, to really help struggling writers and ESL students. Each writing prompt also includes at least one graphic organizer to help gather quotes and evidence.

Implementing this writing bundle into my own classroom (ESL as well as honors), I’ve seen a tremendous improvement in my students’ writing. Their thoughts are clear and thorough, their reasoning and explanation is more sophisticated, and their style has greatly improved.

This product is included in a bundle:

Ultimate To Kill a Mockingbird Differentiated Bundle

To Kill a Mockingbird Teaching Resources
