To Kill a Mockingbird Quizzes for the Entire Novel


To Kill a Mockingbird Quizzes: This download contains three different formats of a three question quiz for every single chapter of Harper Lee’s novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird.” These To Kill a Mockingbird reading quizzes are a quick and simple way to see if students read.

All of the quizzes follow the same format and are designed to determine if the student completed the reading. The first question is fill in the blank or finish the sentence. The second question is true/false. The third question is a simple short answer response.

The different formats of the identical quizzes provides teachers with flexibility in the classroom. The first format is for teacher reference and has all of the questions on just a few pieces of paper. The second format is in large print and it is meant to be projected through the overhead. This format eliminates copies. The third format saves copies and has two quizzes per sheet of paper.


This resource is included in a bundle:

Ultimate To Kill a Mockingbird Differentiated Bundle

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