Socratic Seminar for ANY Text – Literary Analysis Classroom Discussion Activity


Facilitating a Socratic Seminar in the classroom is a great way to discuss, review, and analyze literature. This Socratic Seminar resource is a great resource for teachers who are looking to assess a student’s understanding of literary analysis. 

This literature-based Socratic Seminar activity includes everything you need to facilitate a successful Socratic Seminar about any literary text in your classroom, including premade Socratic Seminar questions that work with any piece of fiction. I love incorporating Socratic Seminars in my curriculum because they generate amazing classroom discussion, develop students’ listening, speaking, and critical-thinking skills, and are an engaging alternative to an essay.

This Socratic Seminar teaching resource includes:

  • About the Seminar (directions about the seminar and how to set it up)
  • Teacher Instructions
  • Student Instructions
  • Socratic Seminar Student-Generated Questions
  • Socratic Seminar Intriguing Quotes
  • Socratic Seminar For or Against
  • Socratic Seminar Universal Questions
  • Observer’s Report Page 1
  • Observer’s Report Page 2
  • Student Reflection Paper
  • Socratic Seminar Self-Evaluation Form

This Socratic Seminar is part of a larger novel unit:

The Novel: a unit for any novel

What fellow teachers are saying.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Extremely satisfied

This was ready to use documents for my students to prepare for a Socratic seminar. It allowed my students to process the primary documents we reviewed and make meaning for the seminar. I did not use the whole file I did not use the whole file in class I used the quote selection and question page. I also did this in a fishbowl in my classroom.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Extremely satisfied

My students really appreciated how organized this resource was, it was very effective at helping them prepare for the discussion! I loved the reflection pages at the end, the students had very insightful things to say.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Extremely satisfied

This product allowed me to structure my Socratic seminars for students in a way that helped them to develop their skills for learning how to think and participate in a Socratic seminar. High schoolers have a different mindset and ability to handle reading and discussing literature but I would still use parts of this product for preparation or reflection afterwards. I used this for my 7th and 8th graders. All worksheets are clear and concise in wording and have good space for student response.

This Socratic Seminar teaching pack includes student and teacher instructions, and before, during, and after worksheets, handouts, organizers, and assignments. It makes facilitating a Socratic Seminar easy!


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