SMARTePlans Digital Greek Mythology Graphic Organizers


“Go digital with your next Greek Mythology unit with these digital graphic organizers. This resource includes a link to a Google Slide document that contains six different digital graphic organizers to use with Greek mythology. This is the ideal resource to use with your Greek Mythology unit for Secondary ELA!

This resource is included in this complete digital notebook:
SMARTePlans Digital Greek Mythology Interactive Notebook

The Six Organizers:
1. There is digital Greek Mythology KWL chart for students to track their prior Greek mythology knowledge as they work through the unit.
2. There is a Mt. Olympus organizer that asks students about Mt. Olympus. This organizer includes a space for teachers to customize it to their classrooms.
3. There are two organizers (one for female characters and one for male characters) that ask students to characterize a chosen character. Teachers can specify that this be a god, goddess, beast, hero, heroine, or mythological creature.
4. There is an Olympian god and goddess chart
5. There is a Greek/Roman god and goddess counterpart chart
6. There is an organizer that students and teachers can copy and paste to keep track of all the Greek myths they read.

With these six different digital graphic organizers, teachers have a lot of room to customize their instruction with just a little bit of modifications.

This resource is included in my 2017 SMARTePlans Membership Bundle
SMARTePlans 2017 Growing Bundle Membership for Google Drive

SMARTePlans are digital, Google-based, interactive lessons for the technology-driven classroom.

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This digital interactive ePlan includes teacher instructions (GoogleDrive and Microsoft OneDrive) and a link to 8 slides of digital Greek mythology graphic organizers.

Your students will LOVE this digital resource, and you will see their writing improve.

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