“Finish your Julius Caesar unit with an argument essay that requires students to gather and analyze evidence, and then decide who is ultimately to blame for Caesar’s death. This download includes everything you need to take your students through the writing process.
This Julius Caesar resource includes:
– a CCSS aligned argumentative essay prompt
– two different grading rubrics (a 100 point rubric and a rubric that allows you to write in your own points values)
– a peer editing form
– a five paragraph essay outline
– two graphic organizers to help students organize their thoughts
– a thesis generator handout.
This materials in this download are differentiated to help ESL students, students with special needs, and struggling writers succeed in mastering an argumentative essay.
Other Julius Caesar resources that might interest you:
Julius Caesar Close Reading: Analyzing Antony’s Speech
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Group Research Project
Keywords: Romeo and Juliet essay, Romeo and Juliet differentiated instruction, Romeo and Juliet for ESL, Romeo and Juliet for Read 180, Romeo and Juliet essay help, Common Core writing for Romeo and Juliet.