Future College Research Paper


Help your students focus on career and college readiness with a future college research assignment that will guide students as they research the many different aspects of a specific college or university.

This resource includes four different assignment sheets to accommodate all of the middle school and high school grades, multiple research organizers that will help guide students through the research process, career planning and goal setting, peer editing, and grading rubrics. There is also a link to a Google Doc assignment sheet for unlimited possibilities!

This resource is great for advisory, homeroom, and AVID classes.

Resource Page Breakdown

1. Assignment Outline Page version 1 (full assignment)

2. Assignment Outline Page version 2 (full assignment minus MLA Format requirement)

3. Assignment Outline Page version 1 (no location requirement)

4. Assignment Outline Page version 1 (no location or MLA Format requirement)

5. At-A-Glance Research Organizer

6. Research Notes Page 1

7. Research Notes Page 2

8. Researching Multiple Universities

9. Goal Setting Organizer (for middle school)

10. Goal Setting Organizer (for high school)

11. MLA Source Cards (front)

12. MLA Source Cards (back)

13. Peer Editing

14. Rubric #1

15. Rubric #2

16. College Pennant Project

17. College Pennant One-Pager Project

*This resource contains a map of the US only.

This resource is sold as a secured PDF file.

There is an included link to a Google Doc assignment sheet.
