Fahrenheit 451 Part 3 Vocabulary Pack


This Common Core aligned vocabulary packet includes everything you will need to introduce your students to the vocabulary in Part 3 of Ray Bradbury’s novel, “Fahrenheit 451.”

This vocabulary packet includes:

– a teacher instruction page

– two word lists with 20 vocabulary words (one with and one without definitions)

– two different double-sided vocabulary graphic organizers

– a crossword puzzle to help students study

– a 20 question, matching vocabulary quiz

– answer key

The activities and graphic organizers in this packet are differentiated for a variety of students. Struggling readers, younger readers, ESL students, mainstream students, and honors students will all benefit from this packet.

This packet covers Common Core Strands:

ELA-Literacy (grades 7-12) 4

ELA-Literacy (grades 7-12) 4c

ELA-Literacy (grades 7-12) 4d

Buy the vocabulary packs for the entire novel and save $1.00 –

Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary Pack: words, activities, and quizzes

Other Fahrenheit 451 materials that might interest you:

Fahrenheit 451 Group Research Project

Keywords: Fahrenheit 451 vocabulary words, Fahrenheit 451 vocab words, vocab quiz, vocab lesson, Ray Bradbury
