Analyzing Theme – Digital Collaborative Analysis Activity for Distance Learning


Collaborate digitally and study fiction! Engage students in authentic literary analysis with this digital collaborative analysis activity that focuses on analyzing theme. This teaching resource includes two Google-docs that are ideal for any fiction text.

Analyzing Theme Doc 1 – Collaborative Analysis

Step 1: Digital collaboration. In the first document, students collaborate and answer a series of text-based questions about the story’s theme. Students will work together to answer one guiding question together, and then each student will contribute to the collaborative discussion by answering a question individually.

This analyzing theme response to literature activity includes five standards-based questions in the first document. Each question requires students to find and cite evidence to support their answers. As students collaborate together in this shared document, they will help each other analyze and better understand the story.

Analyzing Theme Doc 2 – Individual Writing Assignment

Step 2: Individual writing. In the second document, students will demonstrate their understanding of the theme by responding to the writing prompt and writing a one-paragraph literary analysis response.

The writing prompt, which focuses on analyzing the theme of the story, includes sentence frames to help teach academic writing to students.

This is a SMARTePlans digital activity that is ideal for the 1:1 secondary ELA classroom, remote and distance teaching, and hybrid teaching.

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